Neuromorphic closed-loop systems
My research interests aim at designing neuromorphic circuits that are ideally suited for interfacing with the nervous system and show how they can be used to build closed-loop hybrid artificial and biological neural processing systems.
I am also involved in the development of neuromorphic hardware and software systems able to mimic the functions of biological brains to apply for medical and robotics applications.
Breaking Science News
NPBH 21-22 November, Baltimore, MD 2024 Workshop on Neuromorphic Principles in Biomedicine and Healthcare
13-16 November, Beijing, China Neuromorphic Computing - Nature Conference
September 28 - October 2, 2024, Cold Spring Harbour, NY From Neuroscience to Artificially Intelligent Systems (NAISys)
New Article! S. Bian, E. Donati and M. Magno, "Evaluation of Encoding Schemes on Ubiquitous Sensor Signal for Spiking Neural Network," in IEEE Sensors Journal.
Podcast on Neuromorphic and Healthcare
NEW PODCAST! How can bioinspired networks interface with the nervous system? Sunny Bains talks to Elisa Donati in Brains&Machines podcast! Join Ralph Etienne-Cummings and me in the discussion. Sponsored by EE Times | Electronic Engineering Times.
PODCAST on FUTUREBITES What does the future of medical devices look like when microchips and nervous systems speak the same language? I asked the inspiring Dr Elisa Donati, a scientist working at the intersection of 🧠neuroscience, 💻 technology and 💊 medicine! Thank to Bruce McCabe